Teaching Assistant, Columbia Business School
Generative AI for Business (MBA) - Olivier Toubia & Malek Ben Sliman (F’23)
Marketing Core (MBA) - Asim Ansari (F'24)
Market Intelligence (MBA, MS) - Kamel Jedidi & Robert Morais (F’21-24)
Pricing Strategies (MBA) - Asim Ansari (S’22-24)
Social and Economic Networks (MS) - Rajeev Kohli (F'22)
Python Programming for Data Science (MS) - Yegor Tkachenko (Summer ’23-24)
Applied Multivariate Statistics - Kamel Jedidi (F’20)
Consumer Behavior I - Michel Pham & Bernd Schmitt (F’20)
Analytical Models - Kinshuk Jerath (S’21)
Empirical Models - Asim Ansari (S’21)
Bayesian Modeling and Computation - Asim Ansari (F’21)
Mathematical Models - Rajeev Kohli (S’22)
Consumer Behavior II - Eric J. Johnson (S’22)
Marketing Decisions and Methods - Donald Lehmann (Summer ’22)
Econometrics I - José Luis Montiel Olea & Jushan Bai (F’20)
Economic Analysis I/II - Geoffrey Heal (F’20)
Econometrics II - Jushan Bai & Simon Lee (S’21)
Economic Theory III/IV - Paolo Siconolfi (S’21)
Industrial Organization - Gautam Gowrisankaran (F’21)
Microeconometrics - Simon Lee (S’22)
Statistics and Computer Science:
Representation Learning - Carl Vondrick (F’21)
Probabilistic Models and Machine Learning - David Blei (F’22)
Applied Causality - David Blei (S’23)
Field Experiments, Machine Learning, and Causality - Donald Green & David Blei (S’24)
Analysis Group (Economic Consulting)
Summer Analyst Intern - 2019
Conducted economic and strategic analysis for government agencies and one Fortune 100 company
Employed machine learning tools such as structural topic modeling in R and word embeddings in Python to bolster reports used for deposition and trial